Guilbert Express - Air-conditioning / Plumbing / Heating - Electric Soldering Irons Catalogue

Guilbert Express SAS au capital de 630 000 € - RCS Meaux 572 055 812 - Photos non contractuelles. Juin 2023. GUILBERT EXPRESS ZAE de Lamirault 10 rue Henry Delbast - F - 77183 Croissy-Beaubourg Tél. 0 825 800 251 / Fax. 0 825 800 238 Mailing address : Guilbert Express SAS ZAC de Lamirault - 10 Rue Henry Delbast CS 20955 - F - 77437 Marne-la-Vallée Cedex 02 PEFC/10-31-1614 Guilbert Express reserves the right to change the products presented without prior notice. ©Express. All rights reserved. The photographs, illustrations and/or pictograms contained in this Express brochure may not be reproduced, modified or distributed, in whole or in part, in any form and by any means whatsoever, without prior written authorisation from the company Guilbert EXPRESS. Following consent from the company Guilbert EXPRESS, no Express photograph may be used for the benefit of a brand other than the Express brand; similarly, the products represented may not be referred to by a name or reference other than the name or reference assigned to them by the company Guilbert EXPRESS. In the event of a breach of the above, the company Guilbert EXPRESS reserves the right to bring an action before the competent court. MK1013 Guilbert Express SAS, a company with share capital of €630,000, registered at the Meaux Trade and Companies Registry under the number 572 055 812 – Actual products may differ from photographs. April 2024.