XPRESS GAS™ gas cartridge 2400
Reference : 2400
Sale price from
18.3 €
In Stock
The XPRESS GAS™ cartridge has been designed for use with the following Vulcane Express gas torches:
In addition to its excellent stability, it is above all the extremely high purity of the gas selected that makes it effective, by preventing “pollution” of the tool that XPRESS GAS™ is connected to and ensuring its longevity.
Furthermore, the physical and chemical characteristics remain constant from the beginning right to the end of the cartridge!
This means that users no longer need to change cartridges before they are completely empty.
In addition, the vapour pressure (pressure in the cartridge) is far greater than that obtained with the conventional butane-propane mixtures that are still used today.
While the vapour pressure with a butane-propane gas cylinder is around 4 bar.
Users have nearly 9 bar of pressure at their fingertips with the XPRESS GAS cartridge Cat. No. 2400.
While the former cannot be used in temperatures of below -7°C, XPRESS GAS™ makes it possible to work in outdoor temperatures of below -20°C!
The flame temperature obtained with the XPRESS GAS™ cartridge is also far superior than with an ordinary gas cylinder. The temperature difference (several hundred degrees) between these two gas container types can make all the difference when you need to get a job done quickly.
These exceptional performance levels are a significant factor for users, when heating value is an important requirement, in making a choice between conventional butane-propane gas cylinders and XPRESS GAS™ propylene cartridges.
With this type of fuel, careful supervision is essential during filling operations performed by the manufacturer. This is why the XPRESS GAS™ cartridge is fitted with a non-refillable valve, compliant with EN ISO 11118, which ensures the quality of the gas, and is constantly monitored during the selection and industrialisation process for the millions of propylene cartridges sold around the world each year.
The production of Guilbert Express’ XPRESS GAS™ cartridge is monitored by a worldwide certification body based in Germany – TÜV (Technischer Überwachungsverein).
Catalogue number 2400 – XPRESS GAS™ – is available at your usual Express dealer.
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