
The roofer’s holder

The roofer’s holder has an important place amongst roofers’ accessories. This small object is indispensible as it allows you to store the flux to strip the surface to optimise the adhesion of your solder, as well as the ammonia stone to clean your parts and a pot of paste or bolts to be able toRead more

Roofing accessories: their types and applications

As a specialist in roofing equipment, Guilbert Express offers a wide range of accessories under the Express brand for roofers and plumbers. Here’s a quick overview. Flux range The ecological flow 855 Flux is essential to prepare your work surface. To obtain a solder that adheres perfectly, you must strip the zinc (or copper) withRead more

The Express decanter connection

Pour des raisons pratiques, les professionnels ont parfois besoin de transvaser du gaz depuis une grande bouteille vers un contenant plus petit qui leur servira de bouteille de gaz de chantier. Cela permet aux soudeurs et autres utilisateurs d’éviter le port d’une bouteille trop lourde. Les mesures de sécurité sont drastiques, car les dangers d’explosionRead more

Welding fumes

Brazing and welding generate fumes that can be toxic to breathe. Welders and people working in the same space must protect themselves with general specific devices, as well as adapted individual protection. What are the dangers of welding fumes? The soldering iron generates high temperatures in order to reach the melting point of the materialsRead more

Are you familiar with the flameless, self-igniting heat torch?

The flameless torch is part of the very popular Express product range. It is practical, easy to use and multi-purpose. Easy to carry in its storage case, it’s useful in many different scenarios, whether you are a private individual or a professional. What can the flameless, self-igniting heat torch be used for? The flameless, self-ignitingRead more

MIG welding and TIG welding

MIG welding or TIG welding, here are their common points and differences to help you make the choice. Please note that MIG stands for Metal Inert Gas and TIG stands for Tungsten Inert Gas. Common points of MIG and TIG welding MIG welding, like TIG welding, are electric arc welds. This involves raising the temperatureRead more

What are the differences between hard and soft brazing?

La brasure forte ou la brasure tendre ne nécessitent pas la même température, ni le même métal d’apport. Par ailleurs, les conséquences ne sont pas les mêmes pour la structure des métaux. Voici les différences entre ces deux méthodes.  La préparation des pièces La préparation des pièces est capitale pour les deux types de brasure.Read more

What is brazing ?

Brazing is a technique that allows two metal parts to be joined together by creating continuity. It requires a filler metal that is melted by the action of the brazing iron or blowtorch. It can be used for many materials and ensures a more or less robust assembly, depending on whether it is soft orRead more

Décoller les dalles PVC avec le pistolet autonome air chaud Réf. 4600

Removing PVC tiles in renovation projects

A heat gun is the ideal tool if you need to remove PVC floor tiles or wall coverings when renovating a building, In this short tutorial we will explain how to proceed. Preparing the work site and the tools to be used In addition to your heat gun (and the appropriate nozzles), you must useRead more

Express SDS

An all-new site containing Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for Express products is now online!

As a legal requirement for numerous French manufacturers and industrial companies, which was introduced in 1978 to prevent chemical-related risks, the provision of safety data sheets is a necessity. In certain cases, however, it can also be a good opportunity for a company to demonstrate its service capacity. This all-new site provides information in FrenchRead more

La soudure autogene et le chalumeau oxyacétylénique Korto Réf. 2907

What is autogenous welding?

Autogenous welding is the process of welding materials such as steel or iron. It is used in a wide variety of fields, such as central heating, iron and metalwork, and in case of furniture manufacturing. With practice, a high-grade autogenous weld will be smooth, straight and even. However, there is often a slight overthickness atRead more

What is the difference between brazing and welding?

Brasure et soudure sont deux techniques différentes. Dans le premier cas, vous devez apporter un troisième élément, c’est-à-dire un autre métal d’apport qui va faire le joint, tandis que dans le second cas, les deux pièces se suffisent, car elles vont s’amalgamer. Voici dans le détail les différences entre ces deux méthodes. Brasure versus soudureRead more